Once again we are happy to support the “Unnauer Patenschaft”
For some years now we have been supporting the “Unnauer Patenschaft zur Unterstützung krebs- und schwerstkranker Kinder und Jugendlicher e.V.” (Unnau Sponsorship for the Support of Children and Youth with Cancer and Severe Sickness).
This year we look back on 30 good business years and were able to experience a lot of beautiful things during this time. Our wish was therefore: to pass on a little bit of the happiness that we often enjoyed to people who rarely encounter happiness.
In the course of our 30th anniversary we were able to achieve a donation of 3,575 €!
As a regional association we support the exclusively honorary members, currently 28 families in the geographical Westerwald. We at HAAS GmbH are very proud to be able to support a little bit with our donation directly on site and wish all affected families all the best!
Our thanks go especially to all those who made this possible with a supporting donation!
In the picture from left to right: Manfred Franz, Dorothee Wenzelmann, Viking TYRON, Armin Haas, Volker Haas
You are also welcome to use the following donation account:
Intended use: David/30 years HAAS
Sparkasse Westerwald-Sieg
IBAN: DE97 5735 1030 0101 0216 99