You can count on our support worldwide! No matter where you are located, your satisfaction is our top priority.
At the Dreisbach site in the Westerwald region of Germany, approximately 100 HAAS employees take care of your needs. Worldwide, more than 20 expert HAAS partners are also available to provide you with professional advice, and our service team is mobile and always on the road for you.
If you can not find a suitable contact person for your country, please do not hesitate to contact our internal sales staff!
Phone: +49 2661 9865-0
Sales partnership with HAAS – a common opportunity for growth
HAAS Recycling-Systems is a well-known specialist for machinery and equipment in the recycling industry.
Waste contains valuable resources that can benefit our environment and future. By recycling used materials, we jointly reduce the need for natural raw materials, minimise environmental pollution and promote the economical use of energy.
Global distributors who live our values of quality and service strengthen our network.
Would you like to become our new sales partner?
Together we can contribute to nature and our future by using these valuable resources!
The recycling of used materials reduces the daily need for natural resources. Waste and environmental pollution are reduced and the saving of energy is promoted.
We are an acknowledged machine and plant specialist for the recycling industry and attach the utmost importance to quality and service for our machines!
We appreciate distributors who share our values of quality and service as they strengthen our global network. If you are interested in joining us as a HAAS sales partner in your region, we look forward to getting to know you.
- ZIP-Code 0, 10-17
HAAS Recycling-Systems
- Phone+49 (0)2661 9865-0
- AddressUnter den Weiden 6
56472 Dreisbach
- ZIP-Code 34-37, 40-47, 5, 6, 97-99
Anna-Lena Leber
HAAS Recycling-Systems- Phone+49 (0)2661 9865-0
- AddressUnter den Weiden 6
56472 Dreisbach
- ZIP-Code 7, 87-89
Steffen Heymann
HAAS Recycling-Systems- Phone+49 (0)7575 209354
- Cell+49 (0)171 7932677
- AddressField office
Anton Gabele Strasse 7
88605 Meßkirch
- ZIP-Code 18-19,2, 30-33, 38-39, 48-49
HAAS Recycling-Systems Phone+49 (0)2661 9865-0
- AddressUnter den Weiden 6
56472 Dreisbach
- ZIP-Code 80-86, 90-96
Huber Recyclingtechnik GmbH
Jürgen Huber-
- Cell+43 664 1257380
- AddressGeorg Bannert-Straße 21 / Top 4
A-2442 Unterwaltersdorf
- Austria
Huber Recyclingtechnik GmbH
j.huber@huber-recyclingtechnik.atwww.huber-recyclingtechnik.atContact person:Jürgen Huber- Cell+43 664 1257380
- AddressGeorg Bannert-Straße 21 / Top 4
A-2442 Unterwaltersdorf
- Belgium
info@bulkid.bewww.bulkid.beContact person:Bart VanpouckeScope:Recycling technology- Phone+32 567 15 385
- AddressOude Kassei 16
8791 Waregem
Belgium - HAAS Sales
RepresentativePatrick Szubrin
+49 2661 9865-0
Send e-mail
- Czech Republic
HAAS Recycling-Systems Phone+49 2661 9865-0
- Estonia
ScanBalt Crane OÜ
info@scanbaltcrane.comwww.scanbaltcrane.comContact person:Risto KippastoScope:Recycling technology- Phone+372 6024580
- AddressReti tee 7
75312 Rae vald
Estonia - HAAS Sales
RepresentativePatrick Szubrin
+49 2661 9865-0
Send e-mail
- France
SERA / Sawmill
rlegros@sera-energie.comwww.sera-bois.comContact person:Mr. Richard LegrosScope:Sawmill- Phone+33 231 634 612
- Address 159 Avenue de L'Alouette
33700 Mérignac
RepresentativeVolker Haas
+49 2661 9865-0
Send e-mail
- France / Recycling technology
c.mazoyer@noremat.frwww.noremat.frContact person:Mr. Christophe MazoyerScope:Recycling technology- Cell+33 631 627 636
- Address166, rue Ampère
54714 Ludres Cédex
RepresentativePatrick Szubrin
+49 2661 9865-0
E-Mail senden
- Ireland
CRJ Services Ltd person:Kiefer MorganScope:Recycling technology- Phone+44 1565 723 886 (England)
- Phone+44 1413 541 330 (Scotland)
- AddressCRJ Services
Brook House Farm
London Road
WA16 9LU
CRJ Services
272 Bath Street
G2 4JR
CRJ Services
55-59 Adelaide Street
BT2 8FE - HAAS Sales
RepresentativeSascha Kloft
+49 2661 9865-0
Send e-mail
- Italy
commerciale@vamaecology.itwww.vamaecology.itContact person:Melissa MaccaroScope:Recycling technology- Phone+39 0421310590
- AddressVia C.A. dalla Chiesa 30
30029 S. Stino di Livenza (VE)
Italy - HAAS Sales
RepresentativeSteffen Heymann
+49 171 7932677
Send e-mail
- Latvia
ScanBalt Crane OÜ
info@scanbaltcrane.comwww.scanbaltcrane.comContact person:Risto KippastoScope:Recycling technology- Phone+372 6024580
- AddressReti tee 7
75312 Rae vald
Estonia - HAAS Sales
RepresentativePatrick Szubrin
+49 2661 9865-0
Send e-mail
- Lithuania
ScanBalt Crane OÜ
Emantas@scanbaltcrane.comwww.scanbaltcrane.comContact person:Emantas Zlataravičius- Phone+37 26024580
- AddressReti tee 7
75312 Rae vald
Estonia - HAAS Sales
RepresentativePatrick Szubrin
+49 2661 9865-0
Send e-mail
- Luxembourg
HAAS Recycling-Systems Phone+49 2661 9865-0
- Poland
HAAS Recycling-Systems
sales@haas-recycling.dewww.haas-recycling.deScope:Recycling technology- Phone+49 2661 9865-0
- Portugal
Dmcar Lda.
a.simoes@dmcar.ptwww.dmcar.ptContact person:Amélia SimõesScope:Recycling technology- Phone+35 123 192 95 85
- AddressEstrada Nacional 334 S N
Lugar de Vale da Mata
3450-050 Espinho MRT Portugal - HAAS Sales
RepresentativePatrick Szubrin
+49 2661 9865-0
Send e-mail
- Romania
office@instaliza.rowww.instaliza.roContact person:Daniel Cristian MECHEREŞScope:Recycling technology- Phone+40 770 104 388
- HAAS Sales
RepresentativePatrick Szubrin
+49 2661 9865-0
E-Mail senden
- Spain
gfullana@unoreciclaje.comwww.unoreciclaje.comContact person:Mr. Gaspar Fullana MartíScope:Recycling technology- Phone+34 971 020 031
- Cell+34 699 309129
- AddressTécnicas de Gestión y Maquinaria Medioambiental, S.L.
Gremio Toneleros 34 - Polígono Son Castelló
07009 Palma de Mallorca
Spanien - HAAS Sales
RepresentativePatrick Szubrin
+49 2661 9865-0
Send e-mail
- Sweden
TM Recycling Solutions AB
ted@tmtservice.sewww.tmtservice.seContact person:Ted AugustssonScope:Recycling technology- Phone+46 70 655 90 94
- AddressTingsryd montage
Bruksgatan 9
36240 Konga
Schweden - HAAS Sales
RepresentativeSascha Kloft
+49 (0)2661 9865-0
Send e-mail
- Switzerland
HAAS Recycling-Systems
steffen.heymann@haas-recycling.dewww.haas-recycling.deContact person:Steffen HeymannScope:Recycling technology- Phone+49 7575 209354
- Cell+49 171 7932677
- Addressfield office
Anton Gabele Strasse 7
88605 Meßkirch
- United Kingdom
CRJ Sales Ltd. person:Ben McQuaid, DirectorScope:Recycling technology- Phone+44 1565 723 886 (England)
- Phone+44 1413 541 330 (Scotland)
- Cell+44 795 893 9955
- AddressCRJ Services
Brook House Farm
London Road
WA16 9LU
CRJ Services
272 Bath Street
G2 4JR
CRJ Services
55-59 Adelaide Street
BT2 8FE - HAAS Sales
RepresentativeSascha Kloft
+49 2661 9865-0
Send e-mail
North America
South America
- Brazil
BRUNO Industrial Ltda. person:Mr. Arno Rui SchalyScope:Recycling technology- Phone+55 49 3541 3115
- Fax+55 49 3541-3178
- AddressRod Br.282 km 340 n.° 83
Distrito Industrial
Campos Novos - SC
Zip Code 89.620-000
RepresentativeVolker Haas
+49 2661 9865-0
Send e-mail
- Further Countries
HAAS Recycling-Systems Phone+49 2661 9865-0
- Australia
PACIFIC Material Handling person:Kurt PlamerScope:Recycling technology- Phone+61 439100470
- Address25-31 Cherry Lane
VIC 3026 Laverton North
Australia - HAAS Sales
RepresentativeSascha Kloft
+49 2661 9865-0
Send e-mail
- Africa
FORESTRY Plant & Equipment person:Phillip HallScope:Recycling technology- Phone+27137551003
- Address18 Waterfall Avenue
Riverside Industrial Park, Nelspruit
1200 Nelspruit - HAAS Sales
RepresentativePatrick Szubrin
+49 2661 9865-0
Send e-mail
- Africa
WIS - Wood Industry Supplies CC person:Mr. Volker BächleScope:Sawmill- Phone+27 44 533-3651-2
- Fax+27 86 600 3724
- AddressP.O. Box 245
6600 Plettenberg-Bay
South Africa ZA - HAAS Sales
RepresentativeVolker Haas
+49 2661 9865-0
Send e-mail
- Japan
Okada Aiyon Corporation person:Gaku UeharaScope:Recycling technology- Phone+81665761268
- Address4-1-18, Kaigan-dori
552-0022 Minato-ku,Osaka
Japan - HAAS Sales
RepresentativerSascha Kloft
+49 (0)2661 9865-0
Send e-mail
- Taiwan
Feng Hong Machinery
Co. Ltd.Contact person:Ping-Feng LeeScope:Recycling technology- Phone+88 622 792 9293
- AddressNeihu Dist.
No. 216, Ankang Rd.
114 Taipei City
Taiwan - HAAS Sales
RepresentativeSascha Kloft
+49 (0)2661 9865-0
Send e-mail
- Thailand / Recyclingtech. / Sägewerk
Milestones Technology
Co. Ltd.Contact person:Mrs. Sukhumal AranyapongpaisalScope:Recycling technology / Sawmill- Phone+66 294 295026
- Address126/53 Soi Phaholyothin 32
Phaholyothin Road, Senanikhom
10900 Bangkok
Thailand - HAAS Sales
RepresentativeSascha Kloft
+49 (0)2661 9865-0
Send e-mail
- Turkey
BSK GLOBAL Makina Mühendislik www.bsk-global.comContact person:Besmira YigitScope:Recycling technology- Phone+90 532 11 11 882
- AddressSanayi Ticaret Ve Pazarlama A.S.
Adalet Mah. Manas Blv. Folkart Towers B Blok
iÇ Kapi No: 47 B/240
Bayrakli / Izmir